Hello and good evening to all. So right now I’m pretty tired and I would like to share some information how you can create your beautiful blog posts do not type any word.
For this reason I would like to use so you will need to have the microphone and Google Chrome browser. Create a sentence in your mind push start button and spell you masterpiece. This method is extremely fast and extremely good. even if you deadly tired you can create posts for your favorite blog.
Second article will be bout typing you blog. So there is a huge amount of operations systems the world and you can install this operations systems for any kind of computer and processor, Windows MacOS and Linux distribution in mainstream. most likely you use Windows 7 Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, I prefer using Linux Ubuntu mate, Linux Mint, Linux Ubuntu.
If you starting write your blog you will need to write quick huge amount of letters. Of course you can learn this on blind typing games, but the most proper thing learn this during writing posts on your blog. For this reason I highly recommend you install on-screen keyboard for orientation of your fingers and some program to show pressed key, also handy to have error words highlighting. I use
so screen key Unix/Linux/Mac/Windows program full screen cast your keyboard keys, you can use it even for YouTube streams!
Have a good day, thats all for today!